Sunday, March 1, 2009

In like a lion

You know the old saying... In like a lion, out like a lamb. Well if I were to listen to our weatherman we are supposed to be getting 6 inches of snow tomorrow, so it is supposed to be in like a lion. But you know how that goes. Maybe we will get some flurries but maybe we will really get some accumulations. But either way, it really doesn't matter to me. lol. If it does snow alot I will enjoy looking at it through my window. Oh how great this is... I had a nice Saturday, I went to a jewelery party around 11:30 and came back around 2:30, I finished my second layout in the afternoon and then my sister in law came over. We had some Chinese food and then my son, daughter in law and grand kids came over. We all had a nice little visit and then my youngest daughter came home with her boyfriend. We all talked and laughed for awhile and then my SIL and I watched Journey to the center of the earth. So all in all it was a really nice day. I have 2 new layouts for your viewing pleasure, I used some older pictures of my youngest daughter. The kit I used is Self Indulgence, a collab by Veronica Spriggs and Sweet Made. Well, I hope you enjoy looking at these layouts as much as i enjoyed making them... lol

1 comment:

patchas said...

Oh, I'm so glad I stopped by. Though we talk almost every day, I always learn something new here on the blog. It's like eavesdropping on your conversations with other people. Anyway, love your layouts. There were several that you had no shown me. Beautiful stuff. Thanks for sharing :-)